uv steriliser for zebra tank

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uv steriliser for zebra tank

Post by bengranger80 »

I am considering getting a uv steriliser for my 3 pleco colonies, does anyone use one of these for their zebras?
I have read that they are very good for healing injuries and damaged fins, as well as protecting eggs from fungus.

Is this a good idea or just a waste of money?

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Post by TwoTankAmin »

Never owned one. I find pleco dads are better at fungus control than anything I can add to a tank. That said, I do not think it can cause any harm to use one.
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Post by Jo's Zebs »

I use one on my breeding tanks always have but dead eggs still rot
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Re: uv steriliser for zebra tank

Post by Ouscazz »

bengranger80 wrote:Hi,
I am considering getting a uv steriliser for my 3 pleco colonies, does anyone use one of these for their zebras?
I have read that they are very good for healing injuries and damaged fins, as well as protecting eggs from fungus.

Is this a good idea or just a waste of money?

I use one in my wild Heckel discus/Altum angels tank. UV-rays kills anything with a DNA, bacteria, algae, parasites. Great gizmo!
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Post by Joby »

I put one on my zebra tank when I first got them and its been running on there ever since. No problems with illness in approx 18 months *crosses fingers* :?
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UV filters/lamps

Post by zeblover »

Hi guys, a regular uv lamp will only take care of algae growth.

If you want to kill and pathogens within the tank you need a UV-C type lamp.
As a rule of thumb, most lamps lose a percentage of their luminescence and therefore effectiveness after appx 6-8 months of 24hr usage. To get the most out of them you must get a replacement globe within this period.

Be careful when purchasing these as some brands do not allow you to replace the globes and therefore are a throw away item.
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