Got the adults at last! Small problem? One eyed zebra

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Got the adults at last! Small problem? One eyed zebra

Post by bengranger80 »

I just picked up my 5 large adult zebras from Heathrow today and rushed back.
I am really pleased with the size. They are massive!
I have a small problem, one of the zebras only has one eye. Where the other eye is supposed to be there is just a hole. No fungus, just a neat hole.

I can't believe that this happened in transit, as they were all in seperate bags and there was no eye floating in the bag, so I believe it must have been shipped this way.

Obviously I am not very happy about this, but do you think it is reasonable to ask for a refund for this pleco?

What are the chances of it breeding normally like other zebras?

What do you recomend?

Thanks everyone for your advice.

Also as they are so big (up to 4-5 inches) and covered in bristles, what are the chances they are past breeding prime?

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Post by dconnors »

I would definately contact the seller and inform him of the problem. I would think if he's a good seller he would do something for you. If you could, post up some pics, I am sure we would all love to see them!
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one eyed zebra

Post by bengranger80 »

I spoke to the seller in Germany, he did not seem very interested in giving me any refund, and he said it would be no problem for breedng purposes,
Do members agree with this?
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

I would want some sort of refund. However, I would also keep the fish and see what develops.

I have shipped out a number of zebras over the years and I try to be very careful about not sending anything but the best quality fish. However, I did once manage to miss a snub nose and sent it out. I offered to replace it, take it back or discount it by 1/3 at the buyers option. He chose the latter. The point being it is possible to accidentally ship a fish you didn't mean to, especially when you have a bunch of them in the tank when you are netting and bagging and may be under a time gun :)
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Post by Barbie »

There's no reason a fish missing an eye won't be a perfectly viable breeding specimen. As a showpiece fish, one eye would be a big detriment, but I've never had fish refuse to spawn because they'd lost an eye. Good luck getting this resolved!

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Post by Jo's Zebs »

I think them all being 5 inches and covered in bristles will be a breeding isssue called - Male.
I think it is bad taste that he has sent you a deformed fish was it cheaper? did you pay through your credit card or paypal if so claim back from the card issuer
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