male not taking cave?

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male not taking cave?

Post by Zebedee »

the sub dominant male from around xmas time who used to try and take a cave near the middle of the tank now doesn't want to take a cave at all the alpha male that used to bully the others died at xmas and now he is the largest zebra that i have left. there is one other male adult in the tank and he does take a cave i'm just wondering if anyone else has had their fish doing this he sits on top of caves above the other male. from the 12 zebras i have only 2 seem to regularly take caves one of them i think is a female. why do my fish not like caves very much i would say they are all over the 2" mark. i have 6 slate caves with different sizes and also 5 clay tube caves.
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Post by mistern2005 »

I am interested to see what others have to say about this as well. My alpha and beta males take to caves. The alpha has his favoirte cave, but tends to move around. The beta hangs out in almost all the caves - no real preference. I have another (which I also suspect is a female) which will hang out in a cave occasionally. It's kind of strange. If I were a pleco I'd pick a cave, and try to flag down a lady...but I'm not a pleco so I am not sure what's happening.

It sounds like you are in a similar boat. I hope some other folks chime in here!
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Post by gtp »

I have a similar problem. I have 4 adult Zebra's in the tank but none of them have taken to the two proper spawning caves in the middle, only the open-ended caves at either end of the tank. Really want one of the males to go into the spawning caves in the centre but don't seem to be doing so.
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Post by Jo's Zebs »

They will take caves when they are fully matured and ready too breed
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

The majority of my spawns have all occured at spawns at the far right end of my tank.


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Post by jerry58 »

Hi TwoTankAmin

Thats strange looking at your tank mine has slate caves the same and are a little closer together but divided from each other with flat rocks and do you know what alpha male breeds in the cave to the far right only. :shock:

Could this be the best place to spawn!!!.

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Post by Jo's Zebs »

Spawns too the right for my zebs too !!!! anyone else? I always thought it was because they were nearest the powerhead in my tank but..... maybe its something else :D
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Post by lora »

Mine also spawn in the right cave.
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Post by John »

lora wrote:Mine also spawn in the right cave.
Strange, here the same.
I allways tought it had to do with my entrance door to the fish room, it's on the left side of the zebtank so i allways approach my tank from the left side.
Wonder if that might be the same with you guys?
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Post by Jo's Zebs »

My zeb tank is in my dining room at home
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Post by Lifted193 »

Jo do you approach your tank from the left or right?
Do you guys have pic of your set up?
My tank is also set up in my dinning room and I approach the tank from the left side and there cave are on the left side...the power head, the two canister water return is pushing water from right to left...maybe I should move them to the right side? Should I keep the water flow the same cause they will be under all the flow or should I move the flow from left to right when I move their caves and main cover...hmmm :?:
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Post by Jo's Zebs »

We walk past from both sides the kitchen is too the left. The water flows from right too left across the front of the caves
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