Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.
Please can anybody tell me what is wrong with this fry is it due to over eating or bacterial problem ?
It is about 3 weeks old I think its in a tank with other fry I scrub tank completely weekly, hoover left over food and poo daily and 30% aprox water change daily.The others look normal this is the only fry effected by this I am feeding them all on the food I give the adults but finely chopped up nearly to a powder no frozen food.
Thanks for the help darry much appreciated sorry to say the fry did not make it through the night thought it looked not well.
I am glad you think its due to being bloated and its not due to bacteria because I can't think what else I could do more to keep them and the tank clean.
Sorry for the little fella, I have lost one like this before even though the rest were ok.
I started feeding more greens like spirulina & crushed algae pellets in with their normal food mix & haven't lost a single one since.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for your helpful replies it is a bit sad to loose a fry sort of lets the alpha male down but this is probably natural selection and would of happened if left with dad.I feed them at the moment the only way can show mix is in approximate %.
20% Spirulina Flakes (Nutrafin Max)
10% JMC Catfish Pellets
25%Tetra Pro Colour
25%Tetra Pro Vegetable
10%Tetra Prima
5%Massivore Delite (for carnivrous fish)
4%Tetra Plecomin (algae pellets)
1% First Bites (to help the smaller fry)
Does this seem ok or sould I increase % veg to their diet or add another item to the mix .All this is ground to not quite a powder for them.
I do appreciate your help.