TDS and Temperature Drop.

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TDS and Temperature Drop.

Post by mistern2005 »

I am going to gear up to do a rainy season to try to get my zebras to spawn. I've tried looking through some of the old threads, but can somone specifically state the ideal start and drop in TDS (from what I can ascertain it is: start with TDS about 300, drop to TDS of 100)? Also, will someone specifically state the ideal start and drop temperatures and duration (from what I can tell it's start at 85F/29C drop to 77F/25C then leave for a couple days, then increase temp 1C-2C per day).

Also, I'm probably going to do a "quick" rainy season - not leave it cold for a long time. Maybe next week I'll leave it cold for a well over a week and do lots of pure RO water changes before starting to increase the temps back up to normal.

I am not sure about changing feeding habits (i.e, not reducing feeding before hand) - I am worried that will cause lots of stress - any thoughts?

Any help is appreciated.
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Post by mistern2005 »

Am I not getting help becuase it is a bad question or because nobody knows?
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Post by Stevie.K »

I do a quick cold water change, dropping from 29 to 25 C & leave the heater off for a few hours.
I can't really comments on dropping the tds drastically as I keep my around 110 ppm all the time, I have heard of this to do with Discus.
Imo I haven't fancied doing cold water changes for a long time as have never wanted to stress the fish out.
If you are going to do pure ro water changes, keep an eye on your buffering to avoid ph swings.
I have been lucky as in the past my fish started spawning without any help, even though now they are having a break.
They will spawn in their own given time if the water quality is good, they are conditioned & they are ready.
Someone else may be able to help a bit more, good luck :wink:
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Post by mistern2005 »

I did a big cold water change - dropped the temp from 85F (29C) to about 75F (24C). All that seemd to happen was the fish stressed out - I'd guess my TDS dropped from slightly 300 to close to 100 based on the volume of water changed, knowing the TDS of my tap water, and doing math.

I brought the temperature back up to 78F overnight and will move it to 80F tonight and 82F tomorrow and leave it there for a week.

If that doesn't work I am not sure I'm going to try this cold water change again - the zebras seemed less than thrilled. I'll just give them more time and hope for the best.
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Post by Stevie.K »

Even letting your water dirty up for 2-3 weeks may reward you with a spawn, I have had spawns a day or so before I was due to do a water change, so left them too it & just gradually did small water changes.
I know others have had spawns basically from doing nothing but leaving the fish alone to get on with it. :)
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

I am not a believer is big temp drops for most fish to induce spawning. The change in TDS and the barometric pressure changes associated with the onset of a storm are far more crucial imo.

Zebras are not too fussy about pH as long as it is not way too low or high.

Mine spawn with very little effort as long as they have plenty of good food and are not on hiatus. I have found that when they start spawning they will continue doing so for 6-7 months and then they will take time off- usually 5-6 months.

I do not now nor have I ever owned either a TDS meter nor an ro unit. I would guess I am at about my 45 to 50th spawn- I have lost track.
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Post by mistern2005 »

TTA - who says anything about stress coat? I don't use that stuff - only Prime for tap water, obviously RO water doesn't need it.

Can you describe the process of dropping your TDS? Do you go through a period where you try to ramp up the TDS by not replacing evaporated water, then do an RO water change???

Also - and this is a sidenote, do you know the exact dimensions of your caves?? I'd appreicate if someone with breeding success could give me exact dimensions and material of the caves the zebras used.
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

That stress coat line I had edited out, I thought- it belonged in another thread. Sorry.

The most I have ever done is to skip a weekly wc or two- I did vac up the obvious waste and did rinse the prefilters, this used minimal water which was replaced. But I did the big wc as a storm came on or was ongoing. In some case it may actaully have been right afterwards. I always do wcs that are w/i 2 degrees of tank temp- on all my tanks.

As noted above I do not own an ro unit.

Mt spawns have accured in 4 or 5 different caves. However most of them occured in one of the two pictured below which I would estimate are about 1.25 inch opening, 4-5 inches long and made of slate. Other spawns have accured in terra cotta caves.
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