Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.
I was just wondering if anyone has experienced breeding 2 batches of zebra's in a colony in one tank at any one given time??
I know that the Alpha male would always breed with the 1st successfull female to get into the cave but what happens if you have 2 or 3 other gravid females waiting to unload!!
Just wanted to get any ideas or stategy's to get more than one colony going at once.
Yes more then one female and male in a colony can breed if you search you would have found that. Also if you setup 2 or 3 different terrtories in a tank it will help but there is a lot of info if you read on the forum.
I have had 3 spawns in the same tank in the same time. One in my alpha males terrtory and one in another terrtory just seperated by a big piece of bogwood. When the alpha is busy the beta and other males will be able to get there shot. My tank is a 40 breeder which is 18 wide 36 long inches. 3 terrotries are setup and there is no second level which some other people have in this forum. i have sand bottom 5 slate caves 3 clay 3 pieces of bogwood seperating terrtoreis and on with slate seperating them i also have terra cotta plants cracked in half. there are snails and ghost shrimp in my tank with the zebs helps with the mainentainence. i change the water once a week 20 to 30 percent of water and it is sink water. any other questions feel free to ask. one more thing there are 10 zebs in that tank.
We've got 5 wildadults - 2 pairs are spawning - the Alpha and Beta males caused issued for a while - I seperated them for about 8 months and since putting htem back together (with no spawns from either pair) we had successful spawns again - The Beta male still hasnt got eh hang of it though and the eggs have never made it to fry
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Good to hear you actually managed to do multiple spanws. Hopefully smithrc your batched will be fertile for the next lot...fingers crossed for you.
RaY...3 batches at once...WOW!!!
On that note can i ask why don't you guys split up the colonies into separate tanks??
I have 30 zebs adults 10 in 3 different tanks one set in a 75 and the other 2 sets in 40 breeders. Once you start you just can not stop with these guys i started with 4 now it has grown to 30 and 3 different tanks. Any other q's feel free to ask. O one other thing if you see that you are problems with your multiple spawns in one tank place a very big terrtory divder i am 100 percent sure it will help. Remeber the alpha male MOST of the time will clam his cave and stay there that is his home.