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Now you can subscribe to new posts from our forums!

Post by kingfisher »

We have just added an option for the users to subscribe to our RSS-feed from our forums! The link for this is

The left hand side menu in the forums has a link to this at the bottom, and all new web browsers know how to handle it if you just click on the link. Look for this symbol: Image

This RSS will show you the last 25 or less posts in the forum.

For more information on RSS look here. You need one of the latest web browsers for this to work automatically, like Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox 2. If you want to use a standalone RSS-reader, try one of these: Snapfiles RSS Readers.

Let us know if you want more RSS-feeds than the present available.
[url=][i]Alpacas FTW![/i][/url]
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