hi guys
I am thinking off buying one off these nitrate removers, has anybody had any experiance with one at all. are they any good??
http://www.animal-house.co.uk/acatalog/ ... rs_98.html
has anybody used one off these before
Nitrates are just an indicator of waste levels in your tank, IMO. I would recommend removing them with water changes and not worrying about it overly much. My tap water has just under 10ppm nitrates some parts of the year, so mine rarely get below 20 in my tanks. The zebras haven't complained once, and seem to be doing just fine, regardless. Water changes can cure most every ill, IMO, and they're cheaper! Most of the denitrators were designed for SW, where people don't want to do water changes for some reason. They work just as well in reef tanks, IMO.
Hi Danthirty,
I dont use a Denitrator, But have used "Clearwater" in the past, which are some type of granule which claims to remove nitrite,nitrate and phosphate and lasts 3 to 4 months. Indeed it made a big difference to the algae in my planted tank.
Since then I have used a product by Esha 2000 on the couple of times that I have had a huge algae problem in my planted tank.
The most " natural" way of getting rid of algae, is by having approx 70 %fast growing plants, the rest slow growing, and using a good fertiliser. The plants then use up the excess phosphate together with the other elements in the fertiliser thereby starving the algae.Beware ,some fertilisers are loaded with phosphate. Choose one which is Phosphate and Nitrate free.
In the zebra ,unplanted tanks I have started using, a quarter of a "Polyfilter" .Its surprising how quick it absorbs nitrate and changes colour from white to brown.(in spite of doing water changes).The colour varies ,depending on what it has absorbed. Aquadabra (mail order 01322 351673)do a good deal if buying 3 or more and is nearly half the normal lfs price of £13.50.
However ,post it notes might be cheaper.LOL !!!!!!!
I dont use a Denitrator, But have used "Clearwater" in the past, which are some type of granule which claims to remove nitrite,nitrate and phosphate and lasts 3 to 4 months. Indeed it made a big difference to the algae in my planted tank.
Since then I have used a product by Esha 2000 on the couple of times that I have had a huge algae problem in my planted tank.
The most " natural" way of getting rid of algae, is by having approx 70 %fast growing plants, the rest slow growing, and using a good fertiliser. The plants then use up the excess phosphate together with the other elements in the fertiliser thereby starving the algae.Beware ,some fertilisers are loaded with phosphate. Choose one which is Phosphate and Nitrate free.
In the zebra ,unplanted tanks I have started using, a quarter of a "Polyfilter" .Its surprising how quick it absorbs nitrate and changes colour from white to brown.(in spite of doing water changes).The colour varies ,depending on what it has absorbed. Aquadabra (mail order 01322 351673)do a good deal if buying 3 or more and is nearly half the normal lfs price of £13.50.
However ,post it notes might be cheaper.LOL !!!!!!!