Hi. I have a little guy that has a large lump on its head. He is only about 1.5 inches long. The lump is located a bit behind his one eye, it is about and 1/8th of an inch large in diameter. It is kinda beige/pink color. Perfectly symetrical and is "raised". I looked in my diesese books and it can be many things...tumors, etc. If it's a tumor, there's nothing I can do about it. It is suggested to put the fish down...a Zebra?
Sorry I don't have a pic...no digi cam. Maybe I'll take a pic but it will be awhile to get it developed. (And everything is closed over Xmas) But anyone seen the same thing? What medication can I use? I have already tried treating for Ick and fungus. What can I do?
He is isolated in his own 20 gal tank. He gets a fresh partial water change every second day. He has been like this for at least 3 weeks and I think the lump is getting bigger. He swims and acts normal other than the lump. He is still eating. So aside from the lump, he looks healthy. What is it?
Lump on the head!
Swellings on the skin
1) Parasitic cysts. Take 'deep' skin scrape
2) Physical damage. Examine fish and observe
3) Bacterial infection. Usually accompanied by inflammation and raised scales. Examine fish for inflammation and/ or raised scales.
4) Internal tumours
Growths on skin / fins
Tumours or viral infections such as;
1) 'carp pox', which resembles melted wax poured over the fins or skin
2) papillomas, 'warty' types of growths, can be quite large, smooth or cauliflower-shaped, white, red or pink
3) lymphocystis, various sized, white to pink masses on the skin and/or gills. Diagnosis is by microscopic examination of 'wet mount' taken from the lesion.
* There are no treatments for these growths. They are usually benign and often self-resolving. There is always the risk of secondary bacterial infection
Hello. This is all I found on the internet. Maybe it is the "papillomas". A WART!! AGH!! Could also be "lymphocystis". Just wondering if anyone else has seen this...could be common with Zebras.
1) Parasitic cysts. Take 'deep' skin scrape
2) Physical damage. Examine fish and observe
3) Bacterial infection. Usually accompanied by inflammation and raised scales. Examine fish for inflammation and/ or raised scales.
4) Internal tumours
Growths on skin / fins
Tumours or viral infections such as;
1) 'carp pox', which resembles melted wax poured over the fins or skin
2) papillomas, 'warty' types of growths, can be quite large, smooth or cauliflower-shaped, white, red or pink
3) lymphocystis, various sized, white to pink masses on the skin and/or gills. Diagnosis is by microscopic examination of 'wet mount' taken from the lesion.
* There are no treatments for these growths. They are usually benign and often self-resolving. There is always the risk of secondary bacterial infection
Hello. This is all I found on the internet. Maybe it is the "papillomas". A WART!! AGH!! Could also be "lymphocystis". Just wondering if anyone else has seen this...could be common with Zebras.
two of my fish also has a tiny bump. one has it on its side of the body, the other one has it right under its throat. it was already there when i bought them. i didnt notice it until a few days later. but they seem perfectly healthy. eating alot and very active. especially the one with the bump on its body, it comes out to the open for food when being fed.
so....theres nothing we can do to get rid of it?
wandji, does the bump on your fish looks like mine?
so....theres nothing we can do to get rid of it?
wandji, does the bump on your fish looks like mine?
Hi Wandj
It is fluffy in any way at all, or is it quite close to the skin. Try and get a really close look. There is a paracytic fluke called Argulus that connects with the skin gennerally above the eye or beside the gill andlooks like a sort of yellowy, pinky pancake. Have a really close look and see if it is transparent.
good luck
It is fluffy in any way at all, or is it quite close to the skin. Try and get a really close look. There is a paracytic fluke called Argulus that connects with the skin gennerally above the eye or beside the gill andlooks like a sort of yellowy, pinky pancake. Have a really close look and see if it is transparent.
good luck
The perfect white lie..."Of course I didn't pay that much for the fish honey"
Hi. I caught the little guy today and was going to take a pic of that lump. To my surprise, it is now about 1/3 of its size and has turned from pinkish to white. It was located behind his eye and happens to be on the white area, so taking a pic would not be good because you won't see it now. In fact, I had to look hard to see it with my eyes. So it looks like it is going away. Yay. Still am not sure what it was. So many things it could have been. Fish is very healthy looking other than that. So just a funny growth on the skin. I'll keep an eye on it. BTW, after what Rob said, I did put some Parizol or something like that in the water. It's for external stuff like: tubellarians, flukes, anchor worms, leeches. Any thoughts or comments?