Eggs and fry - might as well be fried eggs
I came across my first 2 fry about a month ago and they were probably a month old, at that time I discovered another egg with a wiggler (so a secon batch) about 10 days ago I had another male with a small eggcluster in the cave.
Being exited and all I tried to look in there with a flashlight and tried to take pictures - you know, like everyone here manages.
The male would not have any of it an blocked every attempt - finally after 4 days the eggs were gone.
I'm assuming the male had enough of my paparazzi attacks and just ate them?
So my questions are:
1. How do you guys manage to get your zebras to pose so nicely with eggs and fry?
2. Is it normal for the male to get pissed off and eat the eggs and fry if there is too much invasion of privacy?
3. How much is too much - when your fish have eggs and babies - how often , how long and how much light / photo do you attempt safley?
Egg and fry losses - what should I do differently
If your leaving the eggs with the male, it's always best to just leave him be. Obvoisuly you cant stop yourself from havin ghte odd wee peak, but this is something to be done during the day, when the light isalready on....and very occarionslly. i.e. check if he has eggs, then check again in 5 days to see if they are wrigglers.
I'm not sure if he would have eaten the eggs after one visit from the flashlight, it sounds more like there was a problem with them. fist of all, check round the tank, if the cave doesn't have a tilt backwards, it is very eary for the eggs to escape and roll aboutthe tank. Secondly if they were infertile he would eat them within the first 3 -days or so.
Hope this helps
If your leaving the eggs with the male, it's always best to just leave him be. Obvoisuly you cant stop yourself from havin ghte odd wee peak, but this is something to be done during the day, when the light isalready on....and very occarionslly. i.e. check if he has eggs, then check again in 5 days to see if they are wrigglers.
I'm not sure if he would have eaten the eggs after one visit from the flashlight, it sounds more like there was a problem with them. fist of all, check round the tank, if the cave doesn't have a tilt backwards, it is very eary for the eggs to escape and roll aboutthe tank. Secondly if they were infertile he would eat them within the first 3 -days or so.
Hope this helps
The perfect white lie..."Of course I didn't pay that much for the fish honey"
I just got these fish to spawn, and like many others I am always wanting to see what is going on. I had a mentor during the process who kept telling me to sit on my hands. It worked out to be good advice because this morning I saw 6 babies on the glass out of the cave.
While hand sitting may not be fun and you don't get good photo's the reward is on the glass. Let them get it right a couple times and then document the progress. BTW nice user ID (INXS)
While hand sitting may not be fun and you don't get good photo's the reward is on the glass. Let them get it right a couple times and then document the progress. BTW nice user ID (INXS)
ooopsss, that might have got him a tad annoyed.
Although, I wouldn't worry about it, just think of it as making sure he had a hearty meal before the next batch!!
I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, we have all lost batches due tour curiosity. It might nowt even have been abything to do with you. he may just have thought it wasn't the right time.
Let him do his thing, and maybe lay off the camera and flashlight a little!! ( I do understand how difficult it is at times)
Oh and congrats on the spawn Alga!!!!!
Although, I wouldn't worry about it, just think of it as making sure he had a hearty meal before the next batch!!
I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, we have all lost batches due tour curiosity. It might nowt even have been abything to do with you. he may just have thought it wasn't the right time.
Let him do his thing, and maybe lay off the camera and flashlight a little!! ( I do understand how difficult it is at times)
Oh and congrats on the spawn Alga!!!!!
The perfect white lie..."Of course I didn't pay that much for the fish honey"
was not trying to annoy sorry.
I just know how anxious we all are when we know there are eggs in a cave and I still looked every day. If they spawned before they will again. Also maybe try tilting the spawning cave up in the front so it is harder for the male to push the eggs/fry out.
Keep the faith they will spawn again.....
I just know how anxious we all are when we know there are eggs in a cave and I still looked every day. If they spawned before they will again. Also maybe try tilting the spawning cave up in the front so it is harder for the male to push the eggs/fry out.
Keep the faith they will spawn again.....
Hi alga
Sorry mate, I wouldn't worry about it. Im ust admit to having "annoyed" the males in my tank a few times, desperately eager to get a closer look. When try so hard to get them spawning, and then it happens, it's impossible not too.
Give them another month or so, and you will probably find you have another spawn!
Sorry mate, I wouldn't worry about it. Im ust admit to having "annoyed" the males in my tank a few times, desperately eager to get a closer look. When try so hard to get them spawning, and then it happens, it's impossible not too.
Give them another month or so, and you will probably find you have another spawn!
The perfect white lie..."Of course I didn't pay that much for the fish honey"